Feb 3Liked by Max Klinger

I'm so utterly disgusted by the blatant moral inversion which now prevails ; an obligatory badge of 'dishonour' amongst our elites, their fellow travellers and legions of Useful Idiots.

The farcical legal shenanigans at the Hague, as South Africa attempts to wield the genocide weapon against Israel,for daring to defend itself against the Hamas death cult and its many allies.

A truly horrific massacre in Israel results in an epidemic of increasingly violent ant-Semitism, while our leaders find themselves obliged to turn the other cheek and find a way to imply that perhaps we should try to 'understand'the perpetrators and celebrators of the oldest hatred, the one which provides an acceptable outlet for the lethal pieties of the left/lib blob.

Are we about to witness another Kristalnacht? More books burnt?

Islamists are openly gaming our weakened systems, employing entryism and facilitated by wokus pokus, group think, the colonisation of academia and much of the MSM and official appeasement.

What do we see?Our loyal ,productive, law abiding Jewish communities and the Middle East's sole democracy embattled, beleaguered, insulted and threatened and traduced by group think and resurgent Islam now embedded and reliant on weight of numbers.

Since the lockdown lunacy this increasingly corrupt country has witnessed a growing decline ,evident everywhere and I fear for our future .

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Great comment

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Feb 3Liked by Max Klinger

Thank you; I'm so ashamed of the country which I no longer recognise.

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We're about to have a replay of what happened in the media after 9/11, during the Iraq War, and 7/7.

During those times, third world Muslim migration to the West skyrocketed, both to the US and the UK, and it's still high. The UK is invaded over the Channel, and the US has an open border (thanks to Mayorkas).

Why is this happening? Who is behind it? Why can't it be stopped? Why are Jews worried about these migrants' anti-Israel attitudes only now?

Have you ever asked yourself these questions?

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LOL, good to see you spread your weirdo anti Jewish hate here too. So which conspiracy theory is it now, the “Jews imported Muslims to defeat the Christian nations”?

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deletedFeb 5·edited Feb 5
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Let me repeat previous advice - you need to up your meds. They're not working for you, and your obsession with JEWS RUINING THE WORLD is both racist and nuts.

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It is the UN, the IOM whom the US agreed with to allow and assist the migrants. Most of them are routed through the Darien Gap where there are camps built for different nationalities, NGO’s assisting. The American tax dollars are funding this atrocity.

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Who runs the US? Who in the US controls the policy that not only led to the Iraq War itself but also the invasion of third world Muslims, as well as the open border that exists today?

Who is it?

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Who brought all of these Muslims to the West in the first place? How did they end up here? Why can't the migration be stopped?

Do you ever ask yourself that?

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Come on mate it’s the continuation of the Muslim conquest. 2 billion people can be way way wrong!

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How come none of these migrants end up in Israel, if they're so good at conquests?

You honestly think these people end up in the US and Germany and Sweden because they're great military strategists?

Who controls immigration to the West?

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If Jews controlled immigration to the United States six million wouldn't have died in Nazi concentration camps.

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Huh? What is it with the males leaving comments on substack? Dead racoons have better logic and language skills.

What group does Mayorkas belong to? What is HIAS doing? What about JFS? Who is Barbara Lerner Specter? Or Alan Shatter? Do you have any clue?

Look up who Danny Danon and Rami Ben Barak are.


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Once again I repeat the mistake of getting into a braying contest with a jackass.

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Feb 3Liked by Max Klinger

Truly horrifying. The only reason things aren't quite this bad in the U.S. is because we have nearly 3 times as many Jews as Muslims. Otherwise, elite rhetoric is very similar.

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Feb 4Liked by Max Klinger

Even in New York City, the level of spewed antisemitism has been appalling. Every week there are two or more pro-Hamas protests that snarl vehicular, train, and pedestrian traffic and take up the energy of our police officers who continue to treat these thugs with kid gloves. And leave our city and its institutions with the cleanup and repair bills.

As it is, we have always had police cars stationed outside synagogues during Jewish holidays. The threat does not come from good ol' white Christian boys but from blacks and Muslims.

Who else smashes bricks into Hasidim's faces, pushes them onto the ground, beats them up?

So don't be shocked that it happens. Where there are stupid, feckless, vicious people, there is antisemitism.

Now they're joined by college students of all colors who, having been reared by irresponsible parents, and having received participation prizes for every bit of drivel they produce, have become similarly empty-brained and vicious.

They're really not bright enough to be at universities like Columbia, but inflated grades and our universities' insatiable need for more bodies gets them in.

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Feb 6Liked by Max Klinger

As a public school educator for twenty years, I must point out that many of these college students spent a year and a half isolated in their rooms on tiktok. And gaslit by their teachers when they didn’t perform like they did in person. And the following year in masks, six feet away from anyone else while also still on tiktok all day because teachers kept teaching as if they weren’t in the classroom, wasn’t much better. And the schools continue to treat students worse than they did before virtual. And the censorship around the Middle East in public school is unreal. When I tried to advocate for students, I was told to stop and focus on the ones coming up from middle school. My admin says these kids (now college age) would be another “lost generation” and there was nothing to do. Well, unlike the last lost generation that died in a world war, these kids aren’t dead they are acting like the maniacs our schools helped turn them into. Wow, I did not plan to write this much but I’m in the middle of transcribing my google meet discussions with students during virtual school and it was insane what we did to these kids.

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Yeah, schools are now full of ideological dogma. Not good.

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I know how receptive to bad ideas kids can be. I taught middle and high school for almost forty years and retired a couple of years before Covid.

It struck me at that time, when things began to shut down, that if mail sorters, shopkeepers, firemen, MTA and Amazon workers and Con Ed and Verizon guys and nurses and hospital staff and physicians -- you get my drift: all those necessary people we tend to ignore unless there's a snag somewhere -- if all of those people could continue to do their jobs, teachers should have taught and children should have learned.

Instead, we allowed them to stay in their jammies all day (present company excepted), and hang out windows and applaud at seven.

A disaster indeed. But I do not know that even staying home and not learning trig and history should have produced such viciousness on the part of college students.

Just the other day, they assaulted a woman who, hearing their pro-Hamas chants, responded with support of Israel. She was on her own, her reaction was spontaneous, and the cops had to rescue her.

From American college students.

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I agree teachers should have gone back to buildings (nonessential!) but it wasn’t the lack of education, it was the psychological abuse from the school system and spending all day isolated and on tiktok that damaged these kids. Teachers, like all other human beings, are not nicer online. I really think people are underestimating how nasty virtual school was for these current 16-24 year olds. I am still in shock over our cruelty.

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I believe you in regard to the viciousness of TikTok and the excruciating tedium of sitting at a computer all day and not getting anything out of it. It's a shame that during the Covid epidemic school faculty did not insist they go inside their buildings and teach.

Because there we are: There can be very little educating when a teacher is not physically in a classroom orchestrating everything, watching all the kids simultaneously and dealing with ten or more questions at once. And proctoring tests like a hawk and collecting and correcting essays.

Teaching is rewarding -- but exhausting when done well. Software CEOs can preach all they want about virtual classrooms, but there's no such thing.

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Watch out their gaining on us. And they have successfully infiltrated the Democratic Party big time.

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Feb 4Liked by Max Klinger

When somebody announces they want to kill you, believe them.

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Exactly! How thick do you have to be not to?

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Feb 3Liked by Max Klinger

We are lucky in the United States to have the 2nd Amendment and ability in most states to obtain weapons to protect our homes, and in many states to obtain carry permits to protect ourselves and others from edged weapon or armed attack by others. Women have the ability to obtain firearms to protect themselves from abusive men, and there are many instances of that happening though not reported frequently in major media outlets. Every Jewish household should have one firearm for each adult, with periodic visits to the range.

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Just in case no one’s ever mentioned it. The great Zionist thinker and writer Jabotinsky produced an 8 page piece delivered at a conference in 1923 titled The Iron Wall. Very pertinent for today an easy read and brilliant. My 2nd favorite Jabotinsky quote is: “Jews learn to shoot”.

My first favorite is “Better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it”.

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Gee, didn't this happen once before? In almost the exact same way? I never cease to be disgusted by evil, nor surprised, but somehow not shocked by it.

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Yep! Interesting to see how quickly things can go south

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Feb 3Liked by Max Klinger

🙌 a great read on this topic is Yasmine Mohammed’s ‘Unveiled: How Western liberals empower radical Islam’. Bittersweet and infuriating. Unfortunately people like her, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Mosab Yousef don’t receive the airtime they deserve and need.

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Yes, I have actually met Ayaan. Very cool!

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Feb 5Liked by Max Klinger

What you have is a bunch of wealthy, powerful, establishment assholes who through their policies have caused irrefutable damage to their societies. They are either gutless or do not have a clue how to sort the problem out. They don’t trust their societies thinking they will turn into Nazi so they pretend there isn’t a problem, blame the “victim”, get their brainwashed minions to do “what aboutisms” and shame anyone who complains with accusations of racism, bigotry etc or pretend there isn’t a problem at all, the famous “all part of living in a big city” crap.

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Yep! Correct analysis.

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Feb 5·edited Apr 1Liked by Max Klinger

Just realised I should have added another group, the ones who don’t want to sort the problem out for very nefarious reasons.

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We have people screaming F Zionists at my uni. At Jews are terrified. Is there any wonder the ADL says Canada has a significantly (over 50%) higher anti Semitism problem than the US? We r so afraid of being called racist that we will destroy our country. Of course after abuse of Jews at uni the admin issues strong warnings against Islamophobia. I remember the nurses after 9/11 didn’t care about dead Americans but nattered on about concern about Islamophobia. They might have waited till the corpses cooled. But the press didn’t wait for this after the massacre in Israel before they started attacking Israel so I guess it’s consistent. I would have thought when people say they want u all dead we might believe them but I guess that makes me a racist or other phobe of something else.

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Yes it’s truly shameful

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I’ll give you the secret skinny on Islamophobia. It’s merely a rational responsible reaction to the truth of Islamic dogma so completely justified response to this insane religion. No religion of peace there bloodshed and violence conquer the world. 2 billion adherents who either have no idea of what their religion is or 2 billion evil people you tell me.

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Well said. All of it.

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Thank you Ian!

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Feb 8Liked by Max Klinger

Great piece, but how does the civilized world stop Islamists? Isn’t it time to realize Islamists at war with liberal democracies worldwide?

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I'm honestly not too sure. But I think a reduction in immigration from countries where Islamism is rampant and a removal of speech-policing designed to prevent people from properly understanding what's going on would be good first steps.

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Feb 4Liked by Max Klinger

I love your (what?) so strategically placed after examples of acts that should be specifically named and blamed for their hatred and horror, and yet instead become amorphous in back-peddling to what amounts to denial in polite form. We may well ask, 'what is going on, for G-d's sake!? Why the apparent felt need to obfuscate, why the running away from truth? In most cases, the answer is going to be (i.) because Jews are being attacked, and Jews are Jews, after all, and (ii) because nobody seems to want to admit that allowing such a huge number of Muslims into the country (whether it's UK, Germany, France or Australia, et al) has provided a dangerous demographic change due to the fact that so many Muslim people (not all) carry hatred in their hearts for Jews and act it out. They are proselytising and effectively getting support for their antisemitism and anti-Israel cause. That it's now affecting British politics in a threatening way and in a very real way is more than concerning, as what will that end up doing to the fabric of the country if not derailed? It's shocking to me that in England more is not being done to make sure that government is not at risk at being made less powerful than it should be in relation to truth and insistence on what the British people stand for. Thank you, Max, for another excellent expose. And what we must do is keep on speaking out, frankly and cogently.

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I’ve been making similar arguments after co-authoring a book about a 19 year old student of Tourism from my town Maastricht who joined ISIS and blew himself up in Baghdad, killing at least 23 people. The problem is not only that there is a great amount of of denial about a jihadi-terrorist cancer growing in western societies but that some of the officials and professionals doing the denying privately admit that they are… scared. They knowingly lie not to offend the perennially offended

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Yes it’s a complete farce

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When the valid concerns of a people are ignored by “respectable” leaders, they cede those concerns to demagogues, because the demagogues are the only ones willing to address them

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Yes. True.

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Someone else said it, I’m paraphrasing poorly. Do you remember the original quote?

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Not sure but seems self-evidently true

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US politicians want it both ways. They want to sell arms to Israel, AND they want to appear to have moral authority by providing humanitarian aid to Gaza civilians.

The US wants a 2-state solution. But Israel is busy defending their state from annihilation by Iranian their proxies Hamas and Hezbollah.

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Thank you for the post which helps me be more informed of reactions in UK. As another commenter said, here in the US we don't see as much violence against Jews. However, it is dismaying that this 1000's years old strife is now become even more polarizing than it was before. Separating groups within both the Jewish and Palestinian communities with regard to the responses is effectively a geometric progression of the instability and confusions thrown at us as a society. One wonders at the real reasons for amping up the distracting discord now and who is behind it.

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You’re welcome 👍

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Feb 4Liked by Max Klinger

Good comment B, though if your life is at stake or the life of another, getting into hot water for defending yourself or others is better than the alternative.

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